Delivery time How quickly can you deliver the product to your customer As many as of customers decide to buy because of the fast delivery. example xkom delivery fast X kom on its website informs you how quickly you need to purchase the product to receive it the next day. Such a counter is also a great way to speed up the customer's decision making process . If I can have something tomorrow why not use it See what else respondents say influences their decision to abandon the cart. reasons abandoned carts Take care of two things now eliminate as much as you can the reasons that favor cart abandonment in your online store and secondly don't give up that is send e mails about abandoned carts and use product remarketing. FreshMail has a ready made solution for you if your e shop runs on PrestaShop.
Increase conversion on your PrestaShop store Why is it worth using the FreshMail module for PrestaShop you will send information about the abandoned cart you will gain access to detailed reports you will synchronize recipient lists Taiwan WhatsApp Number List you will create a form for subscribing to the newsletter you will gain access to ready made templateand you will close it all within one intuitive system. How to do it Present your product well A good visual presentation showing the product from different angles and a unique description of the product count.
It has a big impact on the visibility of your store in the search engine so be careful with it. A well written description allows you to reach customers more effectively respond to their needs and can also be one of your distinguishing features. An example is the Military Property Agency where really great product descriptions are created in their online store. The description of the tarpaulin field bag reads as follows A classic military gadget that will be successfully used in civilian life. A creative seamstress will transform it into an original handbag cosmetic bag or a bicycle bag. Collectors will appreciate its traditional style and purpose. And is it possible to describe the field shirt in an interesting way As it turns out yes you can.