They are usually campaigns carried out by governments and institutions, but also by brands such as airlines. Polls: perfect for finding out the situation of a geographical area and segmenting other types of campaigns. Government: dedicated to answering questions and passing calls with specific centers. These campaigns are usually hired by governments in special events such as voting. BPO: the initials refer to Business Process Outsourcing . They are campaigns subcontracted by other call centers that can represent a good percentage of the annual billing of a call center.
And you, are you going to try any of these campaigns in your call center in 2023? Send comment Your email address will not be published. Mandatory Taiwan phone number list fields are marked with * Why use segmented databases in your marketing campaigns Jan 4, 2023 | Databases | 0 Comments For a long time, segmentation has been the basis of sales in any marketing campaign . Knowing which audience you want to address and being able to do it effectively will allow you to save resources and a lot of effort. Segmenting is one of the fundamentals of marketing.
So it is vital with a database that allows you to. Using a well-segmented database can make the difference between the success and failure of a marketing campaign. It doesn't matter which branch you want to use within the world of advertising: segmentation is vital. Why is it necessary to segment a database? The objective of segmentation is to efficiently reach the contacts you want to attack. It is not enough to get emails, phone numbers or customer names, you need much more to be able to segment and hit the nail on the head.